Maintainable and Scalable CSS

CSS plays a very important role in styling web applications. Best practice instructs us to implement Separation of Concerns (SoC) but is this a practical and scalable way of styling your application

JavaScript Refactoring

After reading and enjoying Martin Fowlers free chapter in his second edition on refactoring. I will attempt to suggest a more functional way of doing the same refactor.

Cleaner Exception Handling in JavaScript

Exceptions are when something exceptional or out of the ordinary happens. Here we suggest a cleaner way of handling exceptions. We do this by implementing a functional programming monad called Either.

TypeScript Interfaces and JavaScript Higher-Order Functions

An interface is a structure that defines the contract in your application. Classes that are derived from an interface must follow the structure provided by their interface. An interface is defined with the keyword interface and it can include properties and method declarations:

Crafting JS Applications with JSDoc and TypeScript

There are mixed feelings about using a dynamically typed language like JavaScript when building larger applications. Im not here to fight for JavaScript over Typescript. I will though illustrate how we can write JavaScript in combination with Typescript to assist us in doing this