BDD, TDD with Jest, React and React Hooks

Both BDD and TDD refer to the methods of software development.   Behavior-driven development (BDD) builds on a common understanding of the application using natural language statements.

Clean MVVM with React and React Hooks

When we want to cleanly develop and test out application, we would like to include as much of the graphical user interface. It is essential for us to extract all logic that we intend testing from the view layer. This logic will preferably would need to be refactored to a view model which can be tested and developed in isolation

Login / Logout Flow: SwiftUI and EnvironmentObject

EnvironmentObject is useful when you want to create a dependency in a higher component of the layout tree and use it on a lower component without having to pass it down the tree through every child component.

Login - Logout Flow: Android Jetpack Compose and CompositionLocal

CompositionLocal is useful when you want to create a dependency in a higher node of the layout tree and use it on a lower node without having to pass it down the tree through every child Composable.

Getting Started with TDD: SwiftUI

The TDD (Test Driven Development) approach is important when it comes to testing small portions of business logic code in isolation. In this blog, I’ll cover how I would use TDD to build a clean architecture To-do SwiftUI application.